Where Dick Allen Ranks as a Power Hitter

Baseball Historian Bill Jenkinson was a guest on radio station WCHE Monday afternoon with host Bill Werndl.

Mr. Jenkinson is an outspoken advocate for Dick Allen’s election to the Hall of Fame. Through extensive research, he has concluded Dick is second only to Babe Ruth as a slugger in the history of baseball. He says Dick Allen, Jimmy Foxx, Mickey Mantle, and Frank Howard are so closely grouped together it’s impossible to which one should be ranked behind “The Babe.”

Listen to Bill Jenkinson’s Interview

One Fan’s Tribute

(The following letter was sent to Mark “Frog” Carfagno. Its message is perfect for all to hear).


You have all the stats to prove Dick Allen should be in the Hall of Fame. They stand tall with all the greats that are already there. I truely believe that many sports writers, voters and baseball higher ups have lived with the false perception that Dick Allen was a bad guy. Consequently, Dick Allen is still not in the Hall of Famed.

Along with Dick Allen Jr, you have put together this campaign to get an injustice turned around. In your hearts you know the real truth and have many, many endorsements by his peers who have given freely their testimonies of who Dick Allen was as a person and a ballplayer. Dan Baker has stated that Dick Allen helped to get us all over the predjudices that were a hugh part of living in those times.

On a Friday afternoon in July of 2014, at Richie Ashburn Field in South Philly, I witnessed one of the greatest moments in all the years and events I have followed sports in Philly and I am 63 years old.

The people who showed up at the rally/press conference came because they wanted to express their appreciation for Dick Allen and support your efforts the efforts. The list of those who attended was impressive: Stan Hochman, Mike Tollin, Richard Ashburn Jr., Chris Wheeler, and Bill Jenkinson

Ashburn and Allen

The sons of two Phillies all-time greats: Dick Allen Jr. and Richard Ashburn Jr.

are just a few of the names. Many of them spoke with nothing prepared, but most importantly, spoke volumes from their hearts about the Dick Allen they know both on and off the field.

That afternoon will stay in my mind for a long time. Everyone who attended was there because they wanted to give from their heart.

As St. John Paul 2 has said many, many times: “Do not be afraid!!!” To all the writers, voters, and baseball higher ups please listen to this. From St. John Paul 2, Frog and Dick Allen Jr. – DO NOT BE AFRAID!!!!!!!!!!!

Dick Allen should be in the Hall.

George Furrer

Historian Says Dick Allen Greatest Slugger in the Last Half Century…and Maybe EVER!!

When the name of Dick Allen is mentioned the first thing that comes to peoples minds is his raw slugging power. You will always hear a comment like “I was there when he hit it off the Coke sign” or “I remember when he hit two over the roof.”

Well, believe it or not, there is a gentleman by the name of Bill Jenkinson who became fascinated by Dick Allen’s incredibly long home runs and went on to become a Baseball Historian, with a speciality in home runs and how far they traveled. Mr. Jenkinson has documentation of every home run ever hit in the history of the game. He is the author of several books including “The Year Babe Ruth Hit 104 Home Runs” and another called “Baseball’s Ultimate Power” and has also worked for ESPN and the MLB Network.

In “Baseball’s Ultimate Power,” published in 2010 he ranked Dick Allen 5th in All-Time Power, behind such greats as Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, Jimmie Foxx, and Frank Howard. But after more research, he bumped Dick Allen up to 2nd, since the others had more at bats. He also called Allen “the greatest slugger in the last half century.”

WOW! What an incredible statement.
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